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Newcastle University (NU) has been awarded funding from Advance HE’s Collaborative Development Fund to explore the potential for a new holistic approach to EDI support. 

Exploring a holistic approach to equality, diversity and inclusion is led by Professor Judith Rankin, Dean of EDI at NU, and project managed by Freya Douglas Oloyede, a member of the EDI team at NU and experienced EDI research consultant. The project aims to produce a robust evidence base to frame recommendations for how Advance HE should invest in and develop EDI activity to support the sector to be effective, efficient and impactful.

The research includes collating and understanding stakeholder views on the range of potential benefits, opportunities and risks of developing a holistic approach to institutional EDI accreditation. If the consultation determines there is the appetite for something new, it would sit alongside Athena Swan and REC and provide an option for institutions to engage with. The consultation will gather existing practice and lessons learned from Advance HE members’ efforts to take a holistic and strategic approach to EDI activity, including the work of international members and partners engaged in Advance HE’s licenced equality charters.

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