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The importance of staff and student wellbeing in the higher education sector cannot be overestimated, that was proven to us in the pandemic, but where we’re going with regards to mental wellbeing is just as important as where we’ve been over the past few years - that was the key focus of the Mental Wellbeing in HE Conference 2022: reading the tea leaves - preparing for the future of mental wellbeing in higher education on 17 May.  

A one-day event, organised by the Mental Wellbeing in Higher Education Expert Group in collaboration with Advance HE, brought together a wide variety of mental health experts from the world of higher education and further afield, to Birmingham to explore the direction student and staff wellbeing support is going in and what we can do to prepare ourselves for that future. 

Keynote speakers and panels throughout the day each looked at a different element of the future of mental wellbeing.  

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