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The wait for students across England, Wales and Northern Ireland is finally over as A-level results were released earlier today (Thursday 17th August).

This also marks the start of Clearing, which can initially appear to be a daunting experience for many as they try to confirm their plans for the year ahead, accepting a place on the right course for them.

At SLC, we are ready to support those going through Clearing and we understand the importance of the job at hand. We deal with around 1.5m applications every year and invited students to apply for student finance before our deadlines earlier this year. We ask students to apply well in advance so that we can guarantee that the correct funding is in place at the start of the college or university term. I’m pleased to say that the vast majority of applications submitted are now approved and ready to be paid for the start of the academic year in a few weeks’ time.

However, students shouldn’t worry if they haven’t applied yet. If they accept a place during Clearing, there is still time to sort out their student finance.

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