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Both the number and proportion of 18 year old UK applicants who have taken up their firm university place on A level results day is down slightly on last year, but the number is up substantially on 2019.

This follows results in most A level subjects returning to the proportions that defined the previous decade – with performance as expressed by grades completes the movement away from the peaks we saw during pandemic restrictions. Proportionally, there are less UK 18 year olds currently accepted at their “firm” choice than in any year since 2014 – indicating the potential for a busy clearing (A record 15 per cent of UK 18 year olds in the system are free to be placed in clearing).

The number of 18 year old UK students accepted at “high tariff providers” (those who require good A level scores or similar for entry) is down for the third year in a row, though again is up on 2019.

Here’s a plot of current applicant status for you to explore, showing both JCQ (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland) and SQA (Scotland) results days. You can filter by age, domicile and gender.

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