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This is my love letter to data.

I *heart* the rich data that allows us to understand what we do. It allows us to dig below the anodyne, identikit, university mission statements that promise transformation, inspiration, impact etc… and see if we actually change things.

I *heart* data is a bit of a riff on the TASO (Transforming Access and Student Outcomes) annual conference on evaluation where they handed out ‘I *heart* evaluation’ stickers. I don’t want to break up the relationship between data and evaluation, I *heart* them both and I don’t think I’d find one especially interesting without the other. In fact, it is the interaction between the two which is fascinating to watch.

I am discerning in my affections though – it is EDI data (and evaluation) specifically that excites me, I am particularly drawn to data that has a good story to tell, data that challenges me, data that makes me better at what I do. I would suggest that we all need to develop a better relationship with our EDI data, and I would go further, I would argue that we need to develop a mature and meaningful relationship with our EDI data.

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