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The renowned mathematician and codebreaker, Peter Hilton, once said: “Adaptability to change is itself a hallmark of successful education.”

Adaptability was central to Hilton’s efforts in deciphering German codes in 1942, and it’s just as important today. The pace of innovation and scale of disruption all around us is accelerating. Future generations will have to adapt throughout their careers if they are to succeed. Universities have a responsibility to nurture this among our students.

The key to doing so lies in technology, for two reasons. Firstly, what’s important is the ability to instantly access and deploy relevant information when seeking new ways forward and solutions. Secondly, technology exposes students to new and interesting problems in a way that encourages greater curiosity and risk-taking.

The link between knowledge and adaptability is well established. A strong body of knowledge helps someone approach new problems with confidence and courage. In an academic context, digital technology has transformed the process of sharing expertise, so that students gain more from their day-to-day learning, be that in large-group interactive sessions, seminars, research, or readings.

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