Publication Source

Since HEPI was founded in 2002, it has published around 160 Reports (blue books), 50 Policy Notes and over 30 Debate Papers (red books, but originally yellow Occasional Papers) as well as over 1,500 blog posts.

This is not anything like a complete record because some of HEPI’s written output, including many of the most substantial pieces, have been one-off projects. In the month of May 2023, for example, we produced a detailed report with Universities UK, Kaplan and London Economics on the economic contribution of international students as well as a lengthy report with SUMS on how the terms and conditions for academics compare to those of other professionals. In June, we published the 2023 iteration of the Student Academic Experience Survey with Advance HE, which is rightly regarded as a flagship.

In the last two decades, we have also hosted hundreds of events, ranging from our large Annual Conference, regular Annual Lectures and a biennial research conference (in conjunction with Elsevier, the sponsors of this collection), through expert policy seminars and webinars on specific issues to regular small dinners enabling us to delve more deeply into issues in a more private setting. In the last five years alone, we have hosted around 100 events – despite the pandemic making planning more difficult than ever for much of the period in question.

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