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Following consultation with our policy networks, Board and other stakeholders, we're setting out our policy priorities for a thriving university sector ahead of the next general election. In the weeks and months ahead, we will be developing our priorities in further detail across each of these areas. 

Athriving university sector is vital for driving the UK’s economic growth and prosperity through providing jobs, skills, ideas, and innovation. Universities improve the lives of students and the communities around them and strengthen the UK’s global influence through links and networks across the world.

To deliver the greatest value to society, we need alignment within government to deliver a single, strategic approach to research, innovation, and higher education.  Alongside this, we need a system of regulation that is proportionate and trusted by both students and providers.

We want a system which is fairer to all and supports the long-term ambitions of our universities to educate the next generation. This means:

  • We want to reinstate maintenance grants for those who need them most.  
  • Enough places to meet increased demand resulting from demographic growth. 

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