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The Staff record gives us information about who works in higher education and their terms of employment. It also gives us some information about what staff do. As we review the Staff record, we want to make sure that our information about what staff do keeps up with the changing nature of work in higher education. 

The ‘Academic employment function’ (ACEMPFUN) variable is one of our main sources of information about what staff do. In its current form, ACEMPFUN allows for five possible employment functions:  

  1. An academic contract that is teaching only.  
  2. An academic contract that is research only.  
  3. An academic contract that is both research and teaching.  
  4. An academic contract that is neither teaching nor research. 
  5. A non-academic contract. 

While this covers a range of staff activities, there are a few potential issues. It is not clear that the options available cover the range of activities performed by academic staff. Also, the sharp distinction drawn between the employment activities of academic and non-academic staff may not always work in practice. 

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