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UCAS has today released 2023 applicant data 28 days after results day on 17 August 2023. A record number of UK 18-year-olds have secured a place using Clearing - 38,140, up from 33,280 (+14.6%) in 2022 when exams were re-introduced and 33,000 (+15.6%) in 2019, the last time grading arrangements were the same.

Today’s figures indicate growing numbers of students that have been placed at their firm choice are using Clearing to secure a new choice or university/college. In total, 16,040 UK 18 year old applicants found a new course after releasing themselves from a previously held choice. This compares to 14,760 in 2022, and 12,170 in 2019.

In total, 67,990 students have found a place using Clearing. Of these:

  • 32% found a place after declining their original firm choice– this is the largest single pool.
  • 30% found a place after not meeting the terms of their offer and being released into Clearing on results day.
  • The remainder either applied directly into Clearing or held no firm choice.

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