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The publication of an Office for Students quality assessment report for business and management courses at the University of East London brings the total of published subject-focused reports up to three, out of ten in train.

The University of East London (UEL) report does not identify any concerns on the academic experience offered to students (B1); on resources, support, or student engagement (B2); or on assessment and awards (B4). In this respect it is similar to the earlier review at London South Bank University (LSBU).

The other extant report, at the University of Bolton, identified four concerns relating to condition B2: on the availability of staff resources to support student learning, support for avoiding academic misconduct, the format of formative feedback, and progression for former foundation year students.

Importantly, we do not yet have any regulatory judgements on these investigations from OfS – these reports simply represent the conclusions of the assessment team.

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