What do we want from the King’s Speech?’ sets out an ambitious programme of 14 new laws that the Government should announce in the King’s Speech – for what will be the last Parliamentary Session before the general election. Proposals put forward by Policy Exchange relating to education include:
- Capping the number of people going to university each year – and reinvesting the money in a Skills Tax Credit to help British business train in the skills we need to grow.
- Standing up to radical gender ideology in schools by creating a new absolute right for parents to see what is being taught to their children – and letting them go to court if necessary to force schools to stop teaching age inappropriate or politically biased material.
- Protecting the constitution by ensuring any attempt to change the voting system or lower the voting age must be approved by the British people in a referendum. This would stop a future government lowering the voting age to 16, or introducing proportional representation, without a referendum.