Publication Source

The summary panel statements, provider submissions, and student submissions are out for the majority of providers involved in the latest round of the Teaching Excellence Framework.

What are those? Well, at least half of the value of your provider TEF awards and sub-awards were calculated using qualitative methods – based on documentations submitted by someone in the university, and some kind of student representative body (in most cases a student union). What comes out the other end is a panel statement, which sets out what they made of it in a more eloquent way than the medal table.

There are shedloads of these things out, so there’s no way any human is going to read all of them (stay tuned for non-human attempts!). What we’re going to do here is set out the features of a few representative panel reports (chosen largely at random, but we’ve largely gone for non-traditional providers rather than universities because that’s most of the sector). What, in other words, does “gold-gold-gold” (or “bronze, bronze, requires improvement”) feel like?

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