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Whilst the (gold) dust may have settled following the announcement of TEF 2023 ratings in late September what might last week’s November release of TEF panel summary statements, alongside provider and student submissions, tell us about the rationale behind the awards? 

In a previous HEPI blog, Emily reflected on the challenges that the new dimension of ‘educational gain’ posed in preparing our TEF submission at the University of Bath. With each provider writing in isolation, this November release is the first opportunity to see the variety of approaches to educational gain, and how these approaches have been assessed by the TEF panel. We reviewed the 49 high and medium tariff providers for which information was available to us as being most similar ourselves as a high tariff, traditional university.

On first inspection, it appears that just five providers (including the University of Bath) received ‘outstanding’ ratings across all three features of educational gain: SO4 – a provider’s own articulation of the gains it intends its students to achieve, SO5 – its approach to supporting these educational gains, and SO6 – evidence of the gains achieved by the provider’s students.

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