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China is the UK's largest undergraduate (UG) global market, accounting for one in every four international acceptances via UCAS – with more students currently applying from China than from Wales or Northern Ireland.

UCAS’ new report (5.03 MB), published in partnership with Pearson, has shown a shift in the most popular subjects among students from China choosing to study in the UK. 

Business has topped the list for the past ten years, making up 26% of acceptances in 2023 – declining from 43% in 2013. At the same time, interest in creative arts and design subjects have more than doubled, going from 4% of acceptances in 2013 to 11% this year – making it the fourth most popular subject.

To remain competitive in the global market, the report has highlighted how UK higher education (HE) should take greater confidence beyond business courses and proactively promote more subjects to students from China, such as creative arts and social sciences, mathematical sciences and engineering. 

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