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Students at one of the UK’s most prestigious fashion schools were left with the itch after scabies caused four studios to be closed ahead of Christmas deadlines.

At least two cases were reported among pupils caused Central Saint Martins in north London to take precautionary measures to halt the spread of the infestation.

The university, which is located on Granary Square in King’s Cross, was forced to organise a deep-clean across the studios and fabric room to take place over the last weekend in November.

One student told Metro that the outbreak had caused “madness” as important projects were due to be submitted in the lead up to the festive period.

In an email addressed to students, they included a link to NHS guidance for symptoms of scabies, and advised anyone with a rash or spots to visit a doctor.

In 2019, an outbreak of scabies at the University of Oxford caused panic, with students at Exeter and Magdalen College receiving emails of advice.

Scabies is an itchy and occasionally painful rash caused by mites which is spread through close skin contact. Its main symptoms inlcude a raised rash and intense itching, particularly at night.

On the NHS website, it reads: “The scabies rash usually spreads across the whole body, apart from the head and neck. It often affects the skin between the fingers, around the wrists, under the arms, and around the waist, groin, and bottom.

“However, older people and young children may develop a rash on their head, neck, palms, and soles of their feet.

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