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Introducing our collaborative Building Belonging Change Impact Programme, Juliette Morgan, Advance HE Senior Consultant, Student Success, says, ‘creating a culture of belonging has become a strategic necessity’.

In the Higher Education (HE) sector, fostering a sense of belonging among students has emerged as a crucial element for academic success, student retention, and overall wellbeing. As institutions work to enhance the student experience, creating a culture of belonging has become a strategic necessity. 

Research within the UK HE sector highlights the significant impact of belonging on student outcomes. A study by Thomas et al. (2018) noted that students who feel a strong sense of belonging are more likely to persist in their studies, leading to improved retention rates. This finding aligns with the broader discourse on student success, which increasingly acknowledges the role of belonging in shaping educational journeys.

The importance of belonging moves beyond academic performance. Studies have shown that students who feel connected to their institution and peers report higher levels of wellbeing (Nash et al., 2020). This correlation highlights the reciprocal relationship between belonging and mental health, with a supportive social environment serving as a buffer against stress and anxiety. 

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