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  • This HEPI blog was kindly authored by Simon Rimmington, Director of the Foundation Year at Keele University. His piece is a case study of how a data-driven approach can support student success.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, universities are increasingly embracing engagement dashboards and learner analytics as powerful tools in their quest to enhance student success. Internal and external drivers are propelling this shift, with academic institutions adopting early warning systems to efficiently identify students at risk.

At Keele, the Foundation Year has seen significant growth in student numbers over recent years, with approximately 750 students joining for 2023/24. In order to foster a supportive environment between students and their academic mentors, we are using real-time engagement data provided by StREAM to implement more nuanced and holistic approaches for individual students.

Moreover, each student is assigned an Academic Mentor (AM) and access to a Student Experience and Support Officer (SESO) who works across the FY and Student Services.

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