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Associate Director for Knowledge and Innovation, Dr Charles Knight, introduces ‘AI Garage’, a short report highlighting snapshots of practice.

This newly released 'AI Garage' Overview report offers an insight into the increasing influence of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) across higher education institutions (HEIs). As the technology evolves, so does GAI’s role in existing processes, systems and cultures.  

The report highlights the innovations and challenges of integrating GAI into existing practices, from enhancing student learning experiences through personalized learning paths to augmenting faculty capabilities in handling academic pressures. 

The case studies, derived from various submissions, reflect a ‘garage band’ spirit of creativity and collaborative experimentation within the academic community.  

We know this is a highly contested area (as noted in the report) — viewed by some as a ground-breaking tool poised to redefine pedagogical and research approaches. In contrast, others remain cautious, citing potential risks and the hype that often surrounds emerging technologies. Regardless of these differing viewpoints, the current wave of experimentation across HEIs underscores a significant digital exploration and adaptation period. 

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