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The University of Salford, is ‘on a journey’ of rapid (and sometimes disruptive) adaptive change. This institutional change is itself set within a wider change landscape – we are in the midst of seismic shifts in higher education (HE) policy in England and the wider UK, whilst accelerating technological innovation is rapidly changing the way we work and the ways in which we prepare our students for life. Meanwhile, universities (and wider society) are questioning and revisiting previously stable ‘normals’ in light of a global pandemic.  

We are delighted to present Salford’s Enabling Student Success (ESS) portfolio of insights and reflections which form part of Advance HE’s Collaborative Development Fund 2021 project Inclusive Institutions - enabling and supporting culture. This project enabled us as a learning organisation to pause and explore how change felt to staff as a lived experience. Our case study captures the institutional perspectives from School Senior Leadership Teams and their respective Academic Schools with respect to our own strategic ambitions and in response to the government’s 2019 value for money agenda (Trendence UK, 2018; OFS, 2019).  

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