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Assessment practice remains an unsolved and persistent challenge across the sector. Traditional assessment practices dominate, despite the accumulation of NSS evidence for the past fifteen years that raise concerns in this area of practice. In parallel, discussions in the literature point to the design of curriculum and assessment at programme-level as a key to move forward. To date, these proposals, remain largely theoretical. Focusing on bridging the gap between theory and practice was a key objective of the conference that the University of Nottingham ran in January 2022: ‘Designing programmes for learning: foundations and aspirations’.

The aim of our conference was to grow awareness of solutions, showcase best cases of practice and set aspirations for the sector. We hosted the conference online which allowed 44 speakers to take part and a vibrant audience of more than 500 national and international participants. Our two-day online conference served to review progress across the sector and to consider how to affect institution-wide transformation.

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