English universities will receive up to £5 million each in quality-related (QR) research funding and a maximum of £3 million in excellence-linked capital grants to help mitigate the loss of access to European research programmes.
Explaining how an additional £100 million in QR funding announced last week by science minister George Freeman will distributed across the sector, Research England said individual higher education institutions will be awarded a maximum of £5 million in 2022-23 to “support research capabilities and provide stability ahead of a final decision on Horizon association”.
Five institutions – the universities of Cambridge, Manchester and Oxford, Imperial College London and UCL – will receive the maximum of £5 million in QR in 2022-23, which should be spent “developing, supporting and amplifying international collaborations and partnerships”, recruiting internationally, “securing and sustaining the talent pipeline” and “mitigating shortfalls in research income due to uncertainty over EU research grants” among other objectives, explained Research England on 28 November.