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Part of its ongoing Placemakers campaign, a new publication issued today (6 December) uses case studies to highlight the effective ways that MillionPlus affiliated modern universities invest and work with local business, councils and Trusts, to drive forward change and, ultimately, improve the quality of life for students and local citizens.

Professor Rama Thirunamachandran, Chair of MillionPlus and Vice-Chancellor of Canterbury Christ Church University, said:

“I know that the central role that modern universities play in developing and boosting the regions in which they are located is a source of profound pride to myself and others across the higher education sector.

“Modern universities are future-looking and can help to provide solutions to the challenges of the 21st century. Governments in both Westminster and Holyrood should reflect on the case studies presented in this document, which demonstrate the instrumental role universities have in boosting regional development, economically and socially. Universities are multi-faceted organisations and with their close links to local business, industry-informed courses and deep roots as anchor institutions, they are adept at finding solutions to local problems. Their size and breadth mean they have the capacity to play a role as placemakers.

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