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Amy Cregor, a drama student at the University of Leeds, was on her way to campus for a crunch-time rehearsal when she heard the antisemitic slur.

The next thing she knew, her hair and clothes were covered with barbecue sauce. Then her attackers drove away.

"I was a bit in shock," she said. "I had a bit of a cry to myself, but I was just like, 'Pull yourself together'."

Amy had been wearing a Star of David necklace that day, which all four of her grandparents had clubbed together to buy her when she was a baby.

She doesn't wear it around her university city any more.

The Union of Jewish Students (UJS) says it has lost confidence in the UK's top student activists to fight for the rights of its members like Amy - after a series of controversies at the National Union of Students (NUS).

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