Finally, we have a way forward for robust and transparent carbon reporting in higher education.
Today a new Standardised Carbon Emissions Framework (SCEF) for universities and colleges has been launched by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC), enabling institutions to measure, report and manage their carbon emissions.
Launched alongside is a far-reaching report on Accelerating towards Net Zero and for the first time it provides an estimate of the sector’s carbon footprint to be 18.1 Mt CO2e, with HE institutions contributing approximately 86 per cent of this, and FE 12 per cent.
Recent surveys show that institutions need to take their carbon as seriously as their teaching and research — more than 2.5 million 7-17-year-olds want more climate education and 91 per cent of 6,000 surveyed students agree that their place of study should actively incorporate and promote sustainable development.