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Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have a profound impact on the competencies graduates will need to survive and thrive in the changing world of professional work. 

We recently discussed the implications of Large Language Models like ChatGPT for institutions but in this blog we consider the potential impact of AI on the student experience and students’ future career choices.  

Many educational institutions are recognising the potential of chatbots to enhance the overall student experience. They have been successfully used to support recruitment and retention, triage pastoral care and student support, and help students navigate professional services and libraries (JISC,2023).  

Chatbots offer 24/7 access to support and the opportunity for students to ask questions they might otherwise feel uncomfortable asking in person. As the underlying learning models continue to improve and chatbots become more integrated with other data systems, they will be able to provide increasingly sophisticated and personalised responses, further enhancing the student experience.  

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