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All education systems are required to teach a wide-variety of students and help them achieve their potential. The term “gifted education” refers to educating students who have higher-than-average intelligence, talent or potential. But the question then comes: How do you measure these? And how can schools support gifted students? In general, giftedness is not well understood, which means that education systems can be challenged to help gifted students. Thus it is important to first define giftedness and then outline gaps and successful practices from around the world to learn from each other and improve practice.

Giftedness has traditionally been understood as higher-than-average intelligence as measured by Intellectual Quotient (IQ) tests, often associated with certain subjects such as mathematics or music. But definitions are changing. Research now suggests that giftedness goes beyond IQ. It encompasses multiple forms of intelligence such as creativity and empathy. Gifted student’s full potential can be unlocked thanks to adequate opportunities and support in education.

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