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Did you spot that we’ve relaunched our Golden Ticket competition? That’s right, for every 50 questions you answer in May, June and July you’ll receive a Golden Ticket! Each ticket is eligible for all prize draws, and there’s nothing you need to do other than continue tapping! The prize starts at £750, rising to £3,000 for the final draw in August.

You’ll need to be teaching in a school in the UK to qualify for the prize. We’ll be checking you work there by asking you send an email to us from your work email address, so if it isn’t correct then you can’t receive a prize. Terms and conditions can be found here.

Now, onto our findings…

Last Thursday and Tuesday, many teachers went on strike, and it is interesting to observe the changes in school operations as the strikes continue. In the primary sector, there is a decreasing number of schools that are either completely open or entirely closed. Nearly half of the schools are open to some students but closed to those who have a striking class teacher. Since they are on strike, primary schools rarely provide online teaching.

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