Smartphones should be banned in schools to tackle the “damage” being done from children watching pornography, MPs have heard.

Campaigners told the Commons Women and Equalities Committee that schools should remove phones from children to reduce their exposure to online pornography and to stop them from “upskirting” other pupils.

Schools could do more to educate pupils and parents about the dangers of pornography and its links to violence against women and girls, MPs were told.

Lucy Marsh, from the Family Education Trust charity, said: “Until we actually address the fact that children are watching porn, we’re never going to solve the problem of violence against women because while children have got access to smartphones they are going to be able to view it.

“I think really we need to be looking at should children have access to smartphones and should they be in schools for that? For that I would say the answer is no. I don’t think smartphones should be in schools.

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