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The Environment and Climate Change Committee is offering secondary schools, sixth form colleges, and further education colleges the opportunity to work with the Committee by applying for its youth engagement programme for 14-18 year olds. 

The deadline for applications to be received is 11:59pm on Thursday 15th June. Schools and colleges will be selected before the summer holiday, and the programme will begin in September 2023.

To find out how your school can help the Committee investigate issues related to the environment, and to apply, follow the link above. A full list of ground rules and expectations can be found on the application page.

Six schools from around the UK will be selected, and the successful schools and colleges will work with the committee for a year. The programme will include; virtual sessions with committee Members to discuss committee work and inquiries, the opportunity to advise the committee on what questions to ask Government Ministers during inquiries, and a visit from the Chair of the Committee. 

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