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  • 82% of parents and more than half (53%) of young people in families struggling financially report poor mental health

  • Food bank use and long-term poverty is associated with lower GCSE attainment 

  • One in ten young people are living in households classed as food insecure 

Research published today from the COSMO Study reveals the impact of financial insecurity on mental health. According to the research, 82% of parents who report financial struggles are at high risk of psychological distress, and over half (53%) of young people report the same. Parents reporting financial struggles are four times as likely to report poor mental health than those who are living comfortably.

The COSMO (COVID Social Mobility and Opportunities) Study is led jointly by the UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO), the UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies, and the Sutton Trust. The largest study of its kind, COSMO is tracking the lives of a cohort of 13,000 young people in England who are taking A Level exams and other qualifications in 2023. It is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of UK Research and Innovation’s rapid response to COVID-19. The new briefing released today, Financial Inequalities and the Pandemic, outlines how family finances have changed since the pandemic.

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