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Ofsted has launched a consultation on proposals to make ‘significant changes’ to the complaints system.

The proposed changes are aimed at ‘resolving complaints more quickly through improved dialogue between Ofsted and providers, reducing the administrative burden on those making a complaint, and increasing transparency in the process’, Ofsted said.

Proposals in the consultation for a revised complaints procedure include ‘enhancing’ on-site professional dialogue during inspections to help address any issues before the end of the inspection visit, and introducing a new opportunity for providers to contact Ofsted the day after an inspection if they have any unresolved concerns.

Other proposals include introducing new arrangements for finalising reports and considering formal challenges to inspection outcomes. The plans also include replacing the current internal review process with a direct escalation to the Independent Complaints Adjudication Service for Ofsted (ICASO), and adding a new periodic review of closed complaints, using external representatives from the sectors inspected by Ofsted.

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