All roads near schools should have a 20mph speed limit to reduce child deaths, says a safety charity.

There were 2,456 children under 16 seriously hurt or killed on Britain's roads last year - and many councils have already imposed 20mph zones near schools.

But Brake said two-thirds of parents reported that some roads near their kids' schools had higher limits.

One example cited was Dropmore Infant School in Buckinghamshire, where nearby roads have limits up to 60mph and some areas have no pavements.

Head teacher Gitta Streete has called for 20mph limits for several years.

"One parent had their car door taken off by a passing car. That could easily have been a child, parent or carer being hit," said the head.

"What we need is a proper, phased speed reduction system: a reduction to 20mph outside the school and safe areas for everyone to walk along and cross the road."

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