Campaigners reacted with fury today over 'radical' lesson plans to teach schoolchildren about ***** sex and orgasms before they have even reached puberty.

Secretive lesson plans, which also revealed pupils are being set 'masturbation' as homework, have been criticised for 'targeting the innocence of children' in Britain.

Many teachers are 'indoctrinating' children with scientifically false claims about biological sex, presenting gender as fluid and furthering a narrative that people can be born in the wrong body.

It comes as the NHS is facing a mass legal action from 1,000 families who claim their children were rushed into taking life-changing puberty blockers' by the Tavistock Centre.

MailOnline has found graphic teaching material - including a sex manual for pre-teens - being taught to children in classes around the UK.

It follows a concerned mother being denied the right to see the content of the lessons being taught to her 15-year-old daughter in her Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) classes, which became compulsory three years ago.

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