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Matthias Elgohary felt some trepidation about going to a new school at 16 but he knew his choice would help his bid to study dentistry at university.

“Harris City Academy Crystal Palace is near where I live and I knew it offered opportunities that other schools and colleges didn’t,” said the 17-year-old.

One year in, and the move has paid off: “You meet tons of new people that you wouldn’t meet otherwise, which is good preparation for university,” said the teenager. “And the school’s prefect and mentoring programmes have helped with my Ucas personal statement.”

After the hiatus of the pandemic, teenagers in London and the South-East are on the move, according to exclusive new data.

A survey by Unifrog, the universal destinations platform, shows that 32 per cent of teenagers started a new school or college after GCSE, seeking out institutions with a better reputation or which offer the courses they want.

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