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How can we help pull students back from the brink of exclusion, even when they say they do not want to be helped? Ellie Costello, co-author of the new book Square Pegs, advises

For schools, it can be disheartening to see students struggle and become at risk of exclusion. For the young person, it can be devastating, even if they do not outwardly show it.

It is crucial to remember that every student has the potential to succeed, and it is our responsibility in schools to support all students, but especially our most vulnerable, to reach their goals. With the right guidance and support, we can pull students back from the brink of exclusion and help them thrive in the school environment.

The first step in supporting at-risk students is to identify the root causes of their behaviour. It could a range of factors, such as family challenges, mental health issues, or difficulties with school work. It may be a welfare challenge or social, emotional or health challenge. They may be a young carer, or worried about uniform or period poverty.

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