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More than three million secondary school pupils in England will be offered a free flu vaccine from September. 

The government confirmed on Tuesday it was expanding the scheme to all secondary school students.

It was announced in May that primary school children were eligible for the free vaccine, along with other groups at higher risk of flu including people aged 65 years and over, pregnant women and children aged two and three years old.

Children in secondary school in years seven to 11 will be offered the vaccine as a nasal spray from 1 September.

Health minister Maria Caulfield said the expansion of the vaccination programme "will provide millions of young people with extra protection".

"Importantly, this will also reduce the risk of transmission to more vulnerable groups, including the elderly, reducing hospitalisations and freeing up bed capacity across the NHS," she said.

"Last winter we saw the devastating impact this illness can have, so it is important all pupils take up the offer of the flu vaccine to protect themselves and their loved ones from falling unwell."

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