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Last term we wrote about how February’s teacher strikes impacted pupil attendance. We found that secondary pupils were more affected than primary, and that secondary schools might have prioritised the attendance of Year 11 pupils.

We now turn our attention to last week’s teacher strikes.

A few things are different this time. Firstly, we’ve had two days of strike action rather than one. This might have impacted attendance on the “normal” school day in between. And secondly, February’s strikes took place on the same day as lots of other walk-outs, including from public transport workers. This might have impacted schools’ decisions to close.

As usual, the data we’ll use is from our 10,000 Attendance Tracker schools. We’ll show the number of pupils marked as “present” in registers which, aside from pupils who were physically in the building, includes those educated off-site (code “B”) as well as those on school trips or work experience.

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