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Yesterday, teacher of English and AHT for Teaching and Learning at Longdendale High School, Nicola Cole, posted one of her regular bulletins on twitter, linking walkthrus techniques to each of the Rosenshine Principles. In the context of a subscribing school, each of these hexagons can open into a detailed five-step guide – but the selection and combination of techniques itself provides a fascinating insight into the way ideas and techniques in teaching weave together.

I think this is magnificent on many levels, not least of which is that it exemplifies the creativity and commitment schools have to exploring ideas about teaching, looking for ways to communicate ideas, create coherence and build a shared language and understanding to fuel all the discussions. Obviously I know the details within each technique inside-out but, even just from the titles, I love the thinking behind each trio of ideas linked to each principle. They are by no means definitive – they are just a suggestion – but each group is well-considered and thought-provoking when considering the practicalities of delivering each principle in practice.

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