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NAUGHTY kids are making teachers quit and damaging recruitment, the schools minister says.

A worrying 44,000 teachers, or 9.7 per cent, left last year — the highest quit rate since 2017.

Mr Gibb told MPs: “We do monitor these issues and all our marketing is geared to appeal to a diverse range of potential candidates - male, female, different ethnic backgrounds - to make sure that we are not missing out on any particular demographic.”

He added: “We’re also focusing quite a lot on behaviour.

"One of the main reasons why people are deterred from coming into teaching - and one of the main reasons why they might leave - workload is one, but also behaviour in schools is another significant factor.

“So we’re spending a lot of effort on our behaviour hubs, spreading best practice to improve behaviour in schools as well, and that will also help to retain teachers - male and female.”

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