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The Association of School and College Leaders is halting its ballot on strike action in England after members voted in favour of accepting the government’s offer on teacher pay and funding for 2023/24.
The ballot was launched on June 19 over the erosion of pay and conditions, teacher shortages and the inadequacy of school funding. It is the first time in the 150-year history of the association that it has launched a national ballot on industrial action. The ballot was due to close on 31 July.
Last week, the government offered an increase of 6.5% from September 2023 to teacher pay supported by a grant intended to cover full costs above the first 3.5% and a hardship fund of up to £40 million to support schools facing the most difficult financial circumstances. 
ASCL Executive recommended acceptance of the offer and a consultation of members was held between Monday and Thursday of this week. The result was 87% in favour of accepting the offer, with 13% against, on a turnout of 46% of eligible members.

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