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Nick Miller paints a disturbing picture of the state of race relations in British schools.

'The 'anti-racism' movement started off very small and no one heard about it for a couple of years,' he told the Mail this week. 

'But now they've upped the ante. If they start offering classes to black children only, then soon we could be looking at black-only days out, black-only lunch sittings or white children standing up in class to admit their 'guilt'. 

All of this stuff is already happening in the U.S., Australia and Canada — and that's what we're heading for.'

Racial segregation in British schools might sound unthinkable. Yet as Mr Miller knows, it has already begun.

Earlier this month, the father-of-two received a WhatsApp message from the primary school in leafy Muswell Hill, North London, that his child attends.

Sent by the 'inclusion and anti-racism group' at Coldfall Primary School to all Year 4 parents, it invited 'black and black-heritage children' to join two-hour online sessions every Saturday morning. 

The message explained: 'The aim is to accelerate progress in reading and writing whilst also developing the children's knowledge of black history and culture.'

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