A councillor who said she had to wear the same blazer all through school has called for a uniform subsidy to be offered to cash-strapped families.

Jessica Raspin said parents were having to choose between school clothes and essentials, like food and rent.

The Children's Society claims parents spend on average £422 a year on secondary and £287 on primary uniforms.

Hull Council said it was "doing everything it can" but a £100-a-year grant request was "unaffordable".

Ms Raspin said her parents could only afford one blazer for her five years of secondary school and recalled being "called names" because it was so big when she started.

Her call for help came as the Children's Society announced one in eight families have had to cut back on food to afford uniforms and that having to buy branded clothes and from specific suppliers was pushing up costs.

According to the Local Democracy Reporting Service., the Labour councillor said the current amount of money allocated for help with school uniforms in Hull was only £1.78 for every eligible family.

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