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There is a longstanding attainment gap between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers. The failure to address this, and the impact of the Covid pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, means that it is now getting wider. ASCL is today stating that any government striving for a more equal society must seek to reverse this trend as soon as possible. The pupil premium can be a useful tool in this fight but needs to be weighted so that pupils in persistent poverty (those eligible for free school meals for at least 80% of their time in education) attract a higher premium in recognition of the additional challenges they face. The premium must also be extended to include 16-19 year olds. 

In order for these changes to have the biggest impact possible, it is ASCL’s belief that the free schools meals scheme must also be extended. While the scheme as it stands is a lifeline for many families, there are many others missing out. Free school meal eligibility now applies to 22.5% of pupils, but we know that the level of child poverty is about 30%. We also know that 11% of pupils who are eligible are not currently taking advantage of the scheme. Extending the criteria for free school meal eligibility to all families in receipt of universal credit, and introducing a system of auto-enrolment, would benefit hundreds of thousands of children and young people.

Geoff Barton, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said: “Tackling the scourge of child poverty must be a priority of the next government. This is an enormous task but there are also simple steps that can be taken, whereby a small amount of investment can have a really positive difference. These policies will help to give children and young people a more equal chance of thriving in education, but pupils will only do so if there are also enough teachers. This is why any incoming government must address the worsening recruitment and retention crisis as a matter of urgency. Teachers are the foundation upon which the education system is built and that foundation is currently crumbling.” 

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