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The Times and the Daily Mail yesterday published stories critiquing some of our content on inclusion and racism. These articles follow a report published by campaign group Don’t Divide Us in July, which looked at materials from a number of national and local bodies, including The Key.

The press articles make incorrect and misleading assertions that we provide lesson plans on white supremacy and police brutality in the US. While we have extensive content on how schools can meet their obligations around inclusivity and racism, The Key does not produce lesson plans or curricula.

The articles quoted selectively from different documents, including third-party sources, to suggest that we recommend 5 year-olds should be actively taught about US police brutality. This assertion is incorrect and confuses what is actively taught in a school with how staff might react to a child asking about a distressing topic they have heard about in the news or at home.

We want to provide clarity and reassurance that we remain focused on practical issues that school leaders have to deal with.

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