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Although I had planned to get this summary written before the holiday period started, in the end I decided to wait for the final meetings of term and then reflect on all the information before giving a round-up of the latest events in relation to the 'Special educational needs and abilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) improvement plan: right support, right place, right time'. 

The wheels may move slowly, but they have begun to turn since the improvement plan was published in March this year. My apologies to members in Northern Ireland and Wales, who may have rather less interest in the minutiae of the latest changes.

The original green paper and the improvement plan that followed a year later haven’t been set out in a way that makes it easy to see how the various strands, groups and partnerships fit together. Consequently, it’s rather like looking at the pieces of a jigsaw without a picture to follow.

This has driven me to concoct my first ever word cloud. While it may not be as useful as the chart I’ve put together at the end of this summary, showing the connection between some of these terms, it’s given me a moment of light relief and a determination to create a more artistic word cloud next time I feel the need to invent one!

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