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The majority of teachers believe students are using Artificial Intelligence apps to do their work for them, according to a new study.

A survey by education tech firm RM Technology found that two thirds of teachers believe they are regularly receiving work written by AI, with around one in ten teachers (9%) admitting they can't tell the difference between work completed by their pupil and AI programs.

The survey of 500 secondary school teachers revealed that 41% believe there needs to be better regulation of AI with 31% wanting the government to step in to police its use.

Mel Parker, a former headteacher who now works as a consultant for RM Technology said: "There definitely needs to be government regulation, especially from a safeguarding point of view."

And she believes better training is needed in the use of rapidly developing tech.

"They need to know how they can talk to students about good use of AI, what is appropriate use in the classroom, how can they learn from it? How can they get better understanding of concepts - actually what is cheating and what is good practice?"

She said there is concern that pupils can use AI to cheat, especially as more than a third of teachers surveyed admit pupils know more about AI than they do.

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