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Key Stage 5 results day is both an exciting time in schools, and a large logistical undertaking.  At Ark, we have 13 sixth forms across London, Birmingham, and Hastings, and more than 1000 Year 13 students, so while the day is full of wonderful stories about student success, it is also a busy one for our Destinations Team. 

Both on results day and in the weeks and months leading up to it, the team help prepare schools to give the best advice and guidance on HE broadly and on clearing specifically so that students can best navigate the day. We also use results day to collect data on student destinations. In the coming weeks and months, my team will pore over this data to understand how we can improve future post-18 outcomes for our students.

Ark is a multi-academy trust with 39 schools from nursery to sixth form, serving over 30,000 students. Since we work mostly in areas of economic disadvantage, our schools have a higher proportion of students eligible for free school meals, double the national average. We have high aspirations for our students’ post-18 destinations, whether that’s universities, apprenticeships, or directly into employment, and our team is dedicated to supporting schools’ work in this area.

Much of our work involves disseminating information about the HE sector to schools (much of it informed by HEPI) so that students can make the best choices when selecting their five UCAS applications.  We encourage students to consider the strength of the course and institution when making decisions about HE, so that they choose a best-fit destination that will set them up for future success.

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