Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has been criticised for suggesting employers won't ask pupils about their A-levels in a decade's time.

Ms Keegan said students "shouldn't be disappointed" if their results were not what they had hoped for as top grades fell from last year - although they remain above pre-pandemic levels.

The cabinet minister told Sky News: "Somebody asked me 'What will people ask you in 10 years' time?'

"They won't ask you anything about your A-level grades in 10 years' time.

"They will ask you about other things you have done since then: what you have done in the workplace, what you did at university?

"And then, after a period of time, they don't even ask you what you did at university."

She added: "It is really all about what you do and what you can demonstrate and the skills that you learn in the workplace."

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