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Cuts to the number of hours England's secondary school pupils spend doing physical education and sport "should be a matter of immediate national concern", the Youth Sport Trust says.

Figures released by the government show 4,000 hours were lost in state-funded schools in the last academic year.

There has also been a 12% drop since the 2012 London Olympics.

The children's charity says the latest data reveals a "further threat to the wellbeing of young people".

In March, the government announced that schools in England would be required to deliver a minimum of two hours of PE per week, and ensure equality of access to sport for girls and boys.

More than £600m of funding is to be delivered over two academic years.

Members of England's Euros-winning women's football squad - who on Sunday finished runners-up in the World Cup - campaigned for all girls to have equal access to school PE.

The team highlighted that only 63% of girls could play football in PE lessons, according to a Football Association (FA) campaign published last year.

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